Berita Terbaru

18 Nov 2010

Bulog Send 600 Tons of Price to the Affected Areas

Bulog Send 600 Tons of Price to the Affected Areas

JAKARTA: Bulog distributed 600 tons of rice to refugees in Wasior, Mentawai, Yogyakarta and Central Java.

Director of Bulog Alimoeso Sutarto stated that amount was much smaller when compared with the existing government rice reserves at this time. Government rice reserves were deemed to be sufficient, even after deducting for operating the market of only 7900 tons throughout 2010.


"We reserve the government is still 493,000 tons of rice, and still be added. The plan the addition of 150,000 tons. So if the market operations, disaster relief, and raskin still a lot," Sutarto said when met at Building Bulog today.


According to Sutarto, the disaster that happened recently does not interfere with the production and supply of domestic rice. Volcanic dust tends not to damage the rice plants, even it will enrich the soil after it is exposed to volcanic ash.


In addition to distributing rice, Bulog also accommodate about 3,000 people displaced in a warehouse owned by Bulog in Mertoyudan, Yogyakarta. Until now, Bulog has built about 50 units and 50 units bathroom toilet and make clean water wells. Special Yogyakarta and Central Java, aid is also sent directly from out of town because those cities have run out of stock daily necessities.


"We have sent aid in the form of mattresses, underwear, and daily necessities imported from Jakarta because in Yogyakarta difficult to find the stuff," said Basirun, Head of Public Relations Bulog.


In addition, Bulog has given 15 head of cattle to the area of Yogyakarta and Central Java in the context of the Sacrifice holiday.


By                    : Sutarto Alimoeso (Director Bulog)

Source              : Bisnis Indonesia

Translated        : Using google Translater facilities


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