Berita Terbaru

11 Nov 2010

Cocoa Exports in October Reaches 50,000 Tons

Cocoa Exports in October Reaches 50,000 Tons

JAKARTA: The realization of the export volume of cocoa in October 2010 is estimated to penetrate 50,000 tons. And in September had dropped significantly by 47% compared with the previous month.

General Chairman of Indonesian Cocoa Association (ASKINDO) Zulhelfi Sikumbang said the imposition of customs exit (BK) of 5% for shipments in October to encourage an increase in export volume in that month.


Because the charges came out lower than the previous month which recorded 10% to encourage exporters to issue stock of existing cocoa.


"BK cocoa drops to 5% from previous 10% in September. This is an opportunity to get higher profits, so a lot of exporters who eventually took off stock soon. That is why the realization of the export volume to 50,000 tonnes in October likely to penetrate, "said Zulhelfi, today.


By                : Zulhelfi Sikumbang, (ASKINDO)

Source          : Bisnis.Com

Translated         : Using google translation facilities


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